Sunday, May 31, 2015

Letting Go

“Let go of your concerns! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth.” (Psalm 46:10 GW)

Last week Friday I went in to Madison to get jugs of ionic alkaline water from a friend who had invested in such a water system when she had had cancer years ago. She has been kind to offer it to us, and we were using it until a local naturopath said that since we have a well, it wasn’t necessary.

Since becoming bedridden three weeks ago, with Jesse’s left leg totally atrophying and no strength to walk any longer, Jesse has become weak. Being bedridden will catapult you into declining health faster than anything – we are designed to move. Movement is life.

When my friend heard how poorly Jesse was doing she offered the water again, and I decided it can only help. As I arrived a young house finch was frightened from the nest on top her porch light. He struggled, and could not release himself from his capturer – a piece of string entangled around his leg. I went around back so the baby bird could resettle into the nest.

Obtaining the water from my friend, I told her what I needed to release the bird. A dark pillowcase, a fine point scissors and tweezers – this was not my first experience in rescuing baby birds. I managed to free the fledgling from the rug strands the nest had been made with, placed him back in the nest and we stepped aside. He floundered a bit on the porch floor, caught his bearings and flew off to a tree across the street where his parents happily welcomed him.

I thought about that little bird and the incident. I believe everything happens for a reason.  Our friend reached out and offered water to help bring Jesse’s  pH back up (and it is coming up, thankfully, with everything we are doing), and I was meant to arrive to release the little bird, that was languishing as his breast bone was protruding.

God was giving me a message. And it is not the first time I have heard this – as my charismatic Arbonne friends have delivered a divinely inspired message several times to me, that God is telling me to “let go and let God”, as my wise friend Bernie used to tell me.  So I had a good cry, or several. Coming to terms that my husband and I may not celebrate our 26th year.

And I’ve cried while caring for Jesse, and he asks, “don’t you think I will get well?” I told him straight, that if he doesn’t eat the food Doc Mike is telling me to feed him, that he won’t be able to get well.  He is tired of smoothies, and I can understand that.  We are certainly not getting in the three a day that we are supposed to to  bring about healing. I am trying to be creative and find other means to increase his pH and oxygen levels.

I have a lot more to share as the past several days have had so much going on, but I wrote a chapter earlier and I forgot to save the Word doc…and it disappeared. Which is why I am writing and sharing that I have let my husband go and am at peace in my heart.  If  it is not God’s will to heal him then so be it. If it is God’s will to heal a man whom friends are coming to see and I can see their expectations of death, then to Him be all the glory.

Before I close on this note, however, I want to add that Doc Mike was up to do a treatment on Jesse yesterday, and as I helped Jesse get everything he needed before retiring for the night, Jesse said in a strong voice, “I am going to be out of this bed soon!”

God is at work. I sense it, I feel it…and I am “Letting Go and Letting God”.

In His peace,


Friday, May 15, 2015

Finding Ozone Therapy At Last!

Hello all - thank you always for your continued prayers. Jesse's left leg has atrophied completely and he is now housebound. There are different theories...the chiropractor feels it is bulged disc, nerve neuropathy; the oncologist is suggesting cancer has spread to left leg; and our new team member, Mike Witort, suggests from his advanced studies on the side effects of Rx and narcotics in particular, that the atrophy is due to the pain killers.

Last week, while researching treatments for lymphatic stasis, I came across a man who is now our new partner in healing.  Mike"Doc" Witort from over the border - Chicago burbia. For lymphatic stasis the treatment is the same as what Dr. Tony Jimenenz from the Hope 4 Cancer Clinic in Baja, California had said for bulged discs – ozone therapy. 

The FDA approved ST8 device is the unit being used for treatment with many excellent reviews and testimonies. Of course the equipment is the cost of a car…not an option.  Long story short, I was looking to talk with people who had first hand experience with the ST8 and Witort’s International Institute for Preventative Medicine came up as offering treatments with the ST8. I called, and learned that Mike  travels (around the world at times) to help people wake up well again from cancer and other chronic illnesses, if they cannot come to him. He was named the international health professional of the year in 2008, had a women’s health clinic in Janesville.

Mike has travelled here twice with his healing equipment – the ST8 and vibrational medicine equipment, used to help stimulate the nerves in Jesse’s atrophied legs. The purpose is to stimulate and release the endorphins that help the body manage pain naturally and get the muscles working agian. Mike, known as “Doc”, worked on Jesse from 3:30 pm to 8:45 pm. this past Saturday, and again for 4 hours on Wednesday. He did massage and reflexology and was able to reduce the swelling in Jesse’s legs as he worked.

Taking Jesse’s pH he was quite acidic – Mike said the Oxy Rx (check out the very extensive list at Jesse is/was on are extremely toxic, and acidic, and negate much of what we have been trying to accomplish. He runs a drug free healing program, and we learned more about the debilitating side effects of narcotic prescriptions. Jesse is on a special smoothie diet. Mike was familiar with Arbonne protein and its absorbency and said by all means - add to his healing smoothie recipe for the vegan protein. I am grateful for that as Jesse’s appetite is only so big.  We are using natural pain kilers in mega amounts, which also help bring inflammation down.

It is good to have another person involved. Pineapple is packed with pain killing bromelain enzyme... I had learned that a while ago in the podcasts I've been tuning into, and briefly considered giving Jesse lots of pineapple, but the wife in me said "nope, he doesn't really like pineapple."   Mike Witort, former Navy, takes a militant approach - he tells Jesse is not about liking, it's about surviving.  We are burning through fresh pineapple and bananas like no tommorrow, and we may need a rotating delivery for these from Costco to help out. I can't keep running to Costco 3x a week like I did last week.

ETC has a great Patient Care advocate with the health plan and we were given the name of a home health care provider in the insurance network today. I am definitely wearing out, but Witort said to keep it up - he hopes to have Jesse back on his feet in a few.

Jesse asks that everyone please keep the prayers coming. He wants to get the strength back in his legs. His left leg in particular. The fingers in his right hand started tingling a few weeks ago  We are grateful that his bulging lymph nodes have receded since DOC Mike’s visit and the pain is lessening.  Sunday he had a bit of a detox headache, but that has passed. 

You can learn about Mike Witort at 

I encourage you to check out his posted articles - especially on the effects of Rx narcotic drugs.  Share it with your doctors and friends who may need Mike's help. I am so grateful to have found Ozone therapy at last... Frustrated that it was so difficult to locate a practitioner, and I hope to eventually get all our resources posted at the Purely Living Wellness website soon so that others dealing with chronic disease can find help. It  should not be so hard to find these resources, but it is.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Having Peace Amidst Questions

Jesse has been wanting to post, and is wanting to do so using the laptop ETC had provided, but I haven't had a breather to walk him through the password - as it automatically logs me in.
Since learning he has Lyme's, in addition to the cancer, we have been learning more about how to eliminate the parasites and fungus. Frequency medicine is effective with Lyme's (Jesse's cousin, recovered from Lyme's, is a believer) - and we are blessed to already have the Wellness Pro to combat this newly found, but probably pre- cancer, issue.
Jesse's immune system has so many issues to tackle that his system is overwhelmed...I can relate!  Although it is all overwhelming we do have peace and know that God has this, no matter what.
A new pain began last week Thursday or Friday, when I had taken our son Kyle to Springfield for the Lincoln Funeral Train (booked out a year ago and trying to keep some normalcy in our children's lives).
Jesse describes the pain in his left leg as primarily being in the knee up to the hip, and settling into his seat. It seems to come and go and is not constant, worsening with movement.  The chiropractor feels it is sciatica. Two weeks ago we had been told the cancer pain is coming from the lymph nodes. Indeed, they have been backed up for so long now it does not surprise me.  It is hard to say what exactly is the cause for the pain right now. The oncologist put in a request for a palliative care nurse to come out and do an assessment.
The latest HCG holds steady, which means the cancer has not worsened, but we are at stagnant improvement, having had the same number for the past three tests. As I reflect on what we were doing when the numbers were going down. Returning to one fresh juice a day would be ideal. Hoping for an appetite increase, and he does have times of being hungry. Maybe not for fresh carrot/vegetable juice...but he is compliant with drinking it when I offer.
The oxycodone and oxycotin are not much help at the highest dose. The MD called about a pain patch, and after talking with the pharmacist Tuesday I did leave a message that we would like that patch.  I hope to reach Dr. Weber today as I know he was out Wednesday.
We are using some alternatives that seem to be helpful, and makes him sleepy, which is good. The body heals while sleeping.
As I research treatments for lymphatic stasis the ozone treatments again come to the forefront, which was also what the alternative oncologist had recommended for bulged discs for cancer patients. I found a machine that has a very good reputation, and very expensive as well.  The owner of the company did tell me this morning he has a refurbished one available.  I am continuing to search, praying for wisdom and discernment.
The kids seem to be doing well - Abby shares stories with her dad and I, and laughs (once she gets over a bad day at school, learning to cope with kids who say mean words).  Kyle is focused on his trench actiivty and keeps the kitchen clean, or tries to.
Spring yardwork is overwhelming, and I imagine the best we can hope for is painting the house this summer as the remodeling money is nearly depleted and residing is out of the question. We are blessed that my Arbonne business has been continuous and replaces my full time income, but that said - it doesn't cover treatments.
I believe disability checks should be starting this month. I should know that, but frankly there are not enough hours in the day to keep; up with everything.

Several requests:
Jesse would like a wren house, and sadly cannot build one. He would like one mounted by the bay window so he could watch it.

If someone has a small rototiller we have 4 raised beds that would be an easy turn so I could get my seeds in.

I would love for lady friends to come help me with the backyard - perhaps we could listen to music and sit around the firepit after.

Speaking of firepit, we may need to replace that. Keep an eye out at garage sales for me please.  Jesse enjoys the fire and it would be nice if we can get him out there this spring.

At some point we will likely need a wheelchair ramp to I need to contact the Lion's club about that.

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers. God is good and is constant, even when our day to day is ever changing.
