Friday, May 15, 2015

Finding Ozone Therapy At Last!

Hello all - thank you always for your continued prayers. Jesse's left leg has atrophied completely and he is now housebound. There are different theories...the chiropractor feels it is bulged disc, nerve neuropathy; the oncologist is suggesting cancer has spread to left leg; and our new team member, Mike Witort, suggests from his advanced studies on the side effects of Rx and narcotics in particular, that the atrophy is due to the pain killers.

Last week, while researching treatments for lymphatic stasis, I came across a man who is now our new partner in healing.  Mike"Doc" Witort from over the border - Chicago burbia. For lymphatic stasis the treatment is the same as what Dr. Tony Jimenenz from the Hope 4 Cancer Clinic in Baja, California had said for bulged discs – ozone therapy. 

The FDA approved ST8 device is the unit being used for treatment with many excellent reviews and testimonies. Of course the equipment is the cost of a car…not an option.  Long story short, I was looking to talk with people who had first hand experience with the ST8 and Witort’s International Institute for Preventative Medicine came up as offering treatments with the ST8. I called, and learned that Mike  travels (around the world at times) to help people wake up well again from cancer and other chronic illnesses, if they cannot come to him. He was named the international health professional of the year in 2008, had a women’s health clinic in Janesville.

Mike has travelled here twice with his healing equipment – the ST8 and vibrational medicine equipment, used to help stimulate the nerves in Jesse’s atrophied legs. The purpose is to stimulate and release the endorphins that help the body manage pain naturally and get the muscles working agian. Mike, known as “Doc”, worked on Jesse from 3:30 pm to 8:45 pm. this past Saturday, and again for 4 hours on Wednesday. He did massage and reflexology and was able to reduce the swelling in Jesse’s legs as he worked.

Taking Jesse’s pH he was quite acidic – Mike said the Oxy Rx (check out the very extensive list at Jesse is/was on are extremely toxic, and acidic, and negate much of what we have been trying to accomplish. He runs a drug free healing program, and we learned more about the debilitating side effects of narcotic prescriptions. Jesse is on a special smoothie diet. Mike was familiar with Arbonne protein and its absorbency and said by all means - add to his healing smoothie recipe for the vegan protein. I am grateful for that as Jesse’s appetite is only so big.  We are using natural pain kilers in mega amounts, which also help bring inflammation down.

It is good to have another person involved. Pineapple is packed with pain killing bromelain enzyme... I had learned that a while ago in the podcasts I've been tuning into, and briefly considered giving Jesse lots of pineapple, but the wife in me said "nope, he doesn't really like pineapple."   Mike Witort, former Navy, takes a militant approach - he tells Jesse is not about liking, it's about surviving.  We are burning through fresh pineapple and bananas like no tommorrow, and we may need a rotating delivery for these from Costco to help out. I can't keep running to Costco 3x a week like I did last week.

ETC has a great Patient Care advocate with the health plan and we were given the name of a home health care provider in the insurance network today. I am definitely wearing out, but Witort said to keep it up - he hopes to have Jesse back on his feet in a few.

Jesse asks that everyone please keep the prayers coming. He wants to get the strength back in his legs. His left leg in particular. The fingers in his right hand started tingling a few weeks ago  We are grateful that his bulging lymph nodes have receded since DOC Mike’s visit and the pain is lessening.  Sunday he had a bit of a detox headache, but that has passed. 

You can learn about Mike Witort at 

I encourage you to check out his posted articles - especially on the effects of Rx narcotic drugs.  Share it with your doctors and friends who may need Mike's help. I am so grateful to have found Ozone therapy at last... Frustrated that it was so difficult to locate a practitioner, and I hope to eventually get all our resources posted at the Purely Living Wellness website soon so that others dealing with chronic disease can find help. It  should not be so hard to find these resources, but it is.


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